38 Types of Magnolia Trees and Shrubs: An Identification Guide with Pictures

Types of Magnolia Trees and Shrubs, with flowers and leaves

Magnolias are beautiful flowering trees or shrubs with stunning pink, purple, yellow, or white flowers. Magnolia trees and shrubs have thick leathery leaves and impressive flowers that appear early in the spring. Magnolias can be deciduous or evergreen depending on their growing zone. Some species of magnolia can be large trees while other types can be small trees or large bushes with a shrubby growth. Whatever variety of magnolia grows in your yard, their magnificent showy flowers add color and fragrance to garden landscapes.

87 Flowering Shrubs (with Pictures): Identification Guide


Flowering shrubs add a touch of color and beauty to any garden landscape. Aside from beauty, they also attract pollinators and can be used as a privacy screen, hedge or accent plant. Flowering shrubs are perfect for boosting curb appeal when planted in the front of house. Some of these shrubs also fill the air with their own unique fragrance. From the showy camellia to the iconic rose of Sharon, there are many flowering shrubs to choose from.

21 Mushrooms that Grow On Trees (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Mushrooms that Grow On Trees: Identification Guide

Mushrooms growing on trees are a common sight in backyards. The spongy orange or brown fruiting bodies appear fascinating as they grow like small shelves or brackets. While many tree mushrooms sprout on rotting wood, it’s not unusual to observe large fungal growth on living trees.

Types of Bees that Nest in the Ground (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Types of Bees that Nest in the Ground (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Many species of bees nest in the ground. You may notice bees buzzing around a hole in the soil. The chances are that these species are ground-nesting bees that live solitary lives, making their homes in the ground. Knowing how to identify bees that nest in the ground is vital. Some ground-nesting bees are harmless, whereas others are territorial and can become aggressive if you get too close.

Types of Hydrangea Bushes (with Pictures): Identification and Growing Guide

Types of Hydrangea Bushes

Hydrangeas are beautiful bushy deciduous shrubs with large, colorful, showy flowers and large bright to dark green leaves. Hydrangea flowers bloom in shades of blue, lavender, white, pink, red, green, and purple. The bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is the most popular of these flowering bushes. Other types of hydrangea bushes include smooth hydrangeas, oakleaf hydrangeas, climbing hydrangeas, panicle hydrangeas, and mountain hydrangeas.

33 Blue Flowering Shrubs (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Blue Flowering Shrubs (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Blue-flowering shrubs add a touch of elegance and serenity to any garden landscape. Shrubs with vibrant blue, teal, indigo, and aqua blue blossoms can create a stunning focal point. The unique blue flowers complement the shrubs’ deep green, lush foliage, and other plants and flower gardens. From the delicate blue hydrangea to the striking bluebeard and the beautiful blue butterfly bush, there are many types of blue-flowering shrubs to choose from.

Types of Buckthorns: Common, Glossy, and Fine Line Buckthorns (Pictures) – Identification Guide

Types of Buckthorns: Common, Glossy, and Fine Line Buckthorns (Pictures) – Identification

Buckthorns are a group of popular shrubs and small trees known for their vibrant foliage, thorny branches, yellow-green or whitish-green flowers, and black berry-like drupes. The ornamental shrubs are found throughout North America. Identifying types of buckthorns is vital because some non-native varieties, like the common buckthorn, are invasive and choke out native species.

19 Beautiful White Flowering Shrubs (With Pictures) – Identification and Planting Guide

Shrubs with white flowers are perfect landscaping shrubs to brighten up any garden. White flowering shrubs bloom with some of the most elegant, romantic, and attractive flowers on any plant. The beauty of choosing shrubs with white blooms is that you can find varieties that blossom in all seasons. So, from spring until fall, you can enjoy shrubs with stunning, large white flowers.

58 Small or Dwarf Flowering Shrubs With Pictures For Easy Identification

Small or Dwarf Flowering Shrubs

Dwarf or small flowering shrubs are ideal for compact gardens, colorful foundation planting, or to enhance large flowering bushes. Some varieties of miniature flowering shrubs are evergreen plants. So, apart from producing flowers in spring and summer, these small shrubs stay green all year long. Combinations of low-growing flowering shrubs and evergreen bushes at the front of the house can significantly enhance curb appeal.

Types of Bluebell Flowers (with Pictures) – Identification Guide

Types of Bluebell Flowers (with Pictures) - Identification Guide

Bluebells are a type of clumping wildflower famed for their nodding bell-like flowers in vibrant blue and purple shades. Bluebell flowers usually grow in woodland areas, and they are popular for adding a splash of purple, blue, indigo, and lilac colors to garden landscapes. The low-growing blue-flowering plants appear in early spring and sometimes last until early summer.