Beautiful Red Flowers to Give Stunning Color to Your Garden (With Pictures)

Growing red flowers in your garden can add touches of stunning bright and vibrant red colors. Red flowers have many meanings, some being romance, passion, love, and remembrance. You can combine contrasting red and white flowers together to create striking floral displays. Or, you can add some crimson or dark red flowers for attractive cut flower arrangements.
With proper planning, you can have red flowers growing in your garden or indoors all year long. For example, popular flowering plants like red poppies, petunias, and hyacinths start blooming in the spring until summer. Red azaleas, canna lilies, and dahlias are beautiful summer and fall flowers. You can also grow pretty red-flowering poinsettias in wintertime.
Most of the plants on this list of red flowers for your garden require full sun to partial shade. In general, you should plant the flowers in well-drained soil. This list of red flowering plants contains images for easy identification.
Types of Red Flowers (With Pictures and Names)
Red Roses
There are more than 360 species of roses (Rosa) with red roses being the most popular variety. Wonderfully-scented red roses come in a number of shades from light red, almost pink colors to deep burgundy or maroon hues. Roses are a famous type of flowering shrub that will beautify any garden. These graceful perennial common flowers can climb up trellises, create flowering hedges, and they grow well in containers. You can also get red rose cultivars that flower in any season. Rose flower heads can grow up to between 4” and 7” (10-17 cm) across and have up to 50 petals in one flower.
- Outstanding features: Considered as the most popular flower in the world, red roses are an enduring symbol of love and romance. Also, rose petals are some of the most beautiful with ruffled, semi-double, double flowers, and bi-colored petals.
- Growing zone: 5 – 10.
- Red cultivars: Rosa ‘Altissimo’ (Climbing rose), Rosa ‘Black Baccara,’ ‘Chrysler Imperial’ Rose hybrid, ‘Crimson Glory,’ ‘Flower Carpet Scarlet,’ ‘Ketchup and Mustard.’
Red poppies (Papaver) flower in the spring and summer with stunning blooms in vibrant red colors. Poppy flowers have between 4 and 6 large papery petals and a black or yellow center. The ruffled look of some poppy cultivars gives the blooms a bushy appearance. Although red is the most common color associated with poppies, there are also yellow, purple, pink, and white varieties.
- Outstanding feature: Eye-catching delicate flowers that have come to symbolize remembrance.
- Growing zone: 3 – 9.
- Red cultivars: Iceland Poppy ‘Champagne Bubbles Scarlet,’ ‘Beauty of Livermere,’ Papaver commutatum ‘Ladybird.’
The large red trumpet-like flowers are one of the most stunning features of the Amaryllis plant (Hippeastrum). These flowering bulbous plants have a long thick stem that can grow to between 11” and 23” (30 – 60 cm) tall. Depending on the species, each stem can have 2 to 12 exceptional flowers in the shape of a funnel. These are winter-flowering plants when grown indoors in containers. Some of the large crimson red flowers measure up to 8” (20 cm) across. In warmer climates, amaryllis flowers in early spring.
- Outstanding features: Large showy flowers that resemble beautiful lilies. Some have large fully double flowers.
- Growing zone: 2 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Amaryllis ‘Benfica,’ ‘Cherry Nymph,’ ‘Dancing Queen’ (with light red and white striped petals, Amaryllis ‘Ferrari,’ Hippeastrum ‘Bogota.’
Brighten up your garden in the fall with beautiful red Chrysanthemum flowers. Chrysanthemums are perennial shrubs that produce a wide range of stunning blooms. Some ‘mums’ look like large pompoms, others are similar to large daisies, and some flowers are brilliant star shapes. The striking blooms may have clusters of darker petals in the center or they may have contrasting bright yellow disc centers.
- Outstanding feature: Large showy flowers which start blooming in November and are great for cut flower arrangements.
- Growing zone: 7 – 9.
- Red cultivars: Chrysanthemum ‘Jolly Cheryl,’ ‘Overture,’ ‘Ruby Mound,’ Chrysanthemum ‘Matchsticks’ (with thin yellow petals that have fiery red tips).
Also called the Christmas Flower, Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are native to Mexico and have amazing large red flowers in the winter. In most climates, the poinsettia flowers indoors in December. This red flowering shrub-like plant grows to about 13 ft. (4 m) in its native climate and about 2 ft. (0.6 m) indoors. These vibrant red flowers are sure to brighten up any home in the wintertime.
- Outstanding feature: The large red petals of the flower are about the same size as the leaves.
- Growing zone: 10 – 12.
Begonias contain the largest number of flowering species from any plant genus and naturally grow in tropical climates. These are perennial plants that are grown as annuals in colder climate. Begonias are very versatile flowering plants that are excellent as bedding plants, in containers, hanging baskets, or in window boxes. The elegant flower heads can be clusters of smaller flowers that come in many colors. Some flowers can be huge and others are single or double flowers. Some red begonia flowers droop down like small bells.
- Outstanding feature: Begonias flower constantly throughout the summer to brighten up your garden.
- Growing zone: 9 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Begonia ‘Dragon Red Wind,’ ‘Fimbriata Ruffled Red,’ Begonia ‘Nonstop Red,’ ‘Picotee Lace Red,’ ‘Picotee White-Red.’
Calla Lily
Similar to red roses, red calla lily flowers (Zantedeschia) have many meanings some being love, romance and beauty. Calla lilies produce very distinct and easily identifiable flowers. This is an easy to grow leafy plant that has stunning tubular white or red flowers in the shape of a chalice. These are good border plants where their rich and cheerful flowers create spectacular displays. These lily-type plants grow to between 1 and 3 ft. (30 – 90 cm) and their flowers appear from late spring to early fall.
- Outstanding feature: Some of the most beautiful and elegant flowers you can grow in your garden.
- Growing zone: 7 – 10.
- Red cultivars: Zantedeschia ‘Fire Glow,’ Calla Lily ‘Captain Safari,’ ‘Flame.’
Red Lilies
Lilies are tall flowering plants that produce some of the most stunning and scented flowers in the garden. Lily flowers can be identified by their large trumpet-shape. They come in a variety of colors, white and red being the most popular. Red lily flowers can create an especially stunning display when combined with white ones. Some lilies have white and red striped petals that can either droop or be forward-facing. Asiatic lilies can grow to between 2 and 4 ft. (0.6 – 1.2 m) and Oriental lilies between 4 and 6 ft. (1.2 – 1.8 m).
- Outstanding feature: Stunning beautiful red flowers that are perfect as wedding flowers or other celebrations.
- Growing zone: 4 – 8.
- Red cultivars: Asiatic Lily ‘Black Out’ (with deep maroon and dark red petals), Lilium ‘Claude Shride,’ Oriental Lily ‘Dizzy’ (with crimson and white petals), ‘Monte Negro,’ ‘Sumatra.’
Appreciated around the world for their beautiful flowers, the bright red flowers on Hibiscus plants are some of the prettiest flowers you will find. The large delicate papery petals create striking flowers that can be red, white, pink, purple, or orange. Some hibiscus flowers are just single colored whereas others have contrasting centers. For example, some popular cultivars have pure white petals with a dark red round center. There are also popular red hibiscus flowers that are double flowers and some have a distinct ruffled look. Hibiscus flowers can grow to 12” (30 cm) across and flower all summer!
- Outstanding feature: Some red cultivars have huge flowers with petals of varying designs.
- Growing zone: 4 – 9.
- Red cultivars: Hibiscus ‘Holy Grail,’ ‘Vintage Wine,’ ‘Panama Red’ (with red star-shaped leaves), Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Luna Red,’ ‘Red Dragon.’
Red Petunia cultivars are delightful flowering plants for your garden. Petunias are easy-to-grow annuals that have some amazing examples of beautiful red and black flowers. These popular flowering garden plants are great for borders, cascading over hanging baskets, or in containers. Expect all types of petunias to flower continually from late spring to well past summer. They come in most colors and varying shades of red such as crimson, maroon, burgundy, magenta, and deep red.
- Outstanding feature: Plants come in varying sizes to suit every need and taste.
- Growing zone: 2 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Petunia ‘Easy Wave Burgundy Star,’ ‘Easy Wave Red Velour,’ ‘Shock Wave Coral Crush,’ ‘Supertunia Black Cherry,’ ‘Supertunia Really Red.’
Red Tulips
Tulips (Tulipa) are the classic spring flower, and red tulips can mean everlasting love. They can grow between 4” and 28” (10 – 71 cm). Tulips are bulbous flowers with cultivars in almost any color combination you can imagine. Apart from the typical elegant oval-shaped and cup-shaped flower heads, tulips can have ruffled petals, double petals, and ones with tapered ends. Depending on the cultivar, you can also get mid-season bloomers and late-season bloomers.
- Outstanding feature: Red bulb flowers suitable for any occasion. Also, 1,000s of types of tulips to choose from.
- Growing zone: 3 – 8.
- Red cultivars: Tulipa ‘Aladdin’ (with striking red lily-like flowers), ‘Bastogne’ (with reddish-pink, cup-shaped flowers), ‘Cassini,’ ‘Couleur Cardinal.’
One of the most unusual red flowers you will find grow on the Anthurium plant. The gorgeous “flower” is a single waxy deep red-colored “petal” with a fleshy spike and tiny flowers protruding from it. Actually, what looks like the flower is a heart-shaped red petal called a spathe. The most common Anthurium color is red and various shades of red. The plant stems grow to between 15” and 20” (38-50 cm).
- Outstanding feature: Vibrant red heart-shaped leaf flower contrasting on the green leafy foliage.
- Growing zone: 10 and higher
Azaleas are flowering shrubs in the same genus as rhododendrons. When azaleas bloom in the spring and early summer, they can create a sea of vibrant large red or pink flowers. The delicate wavy petals create showy blooms measuring around 2.5” (7 cm) across that can last until the fall. These beautiful flowers are also popular ones to use in wedding floral displays.
- Outstanding feature: Many types of azaleas have showy vivid red flowers that bloom all summer long.
- Growing zone: 6 – 10.
- Red cultivars: Rhododendron ‘Autumn Bonfire,’ ‘Autumn Fire,’ ‘Hino Crimson.’
If you are looking for large red blooms for your garden, then Dahlias plants are an excellent choice. Dahlias are a very distinct and easily identifiable flower. There are many species of dahlias to choose from – everything from spiky looking large blooms, to globular flower heads, and bushy scarlet double flowers. Dahlias are also great for cut flower arrangements as their large size and beautiful colors create striking features. Some dahlia flowers can be as small as 2” (5 cm) and others can be as large as 12” (30 cm)! Depending on the cultivar, stems can also grow between 12” (30 cm) and 8 ft. (2.4 m)
- Outstanding feature: Some of the largest and showiest flowers you can grow.
- Growing zone: 8 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Dahlia ‘Apache’ (with brightly-colored red fringed petals), ‘Bishop of Auckland’ (single red petals with a black center), ‘Bishop of Llandaff,’ ‘Contraste’ (stunning deep red petals with white tips), ‘Impression Fuego’ (red and yellow petals).
Scarlet Bee Balm
Scarlet Bee Balm is a red summer perennial that belongs to the Monarda genus. Scarlet Bee Balm flowers can be identified by their dainty thin petals that create showy blooms you can enjoy all summer and most of the fall. Bee Balms are excellent flowering border plants that can grow to between 3 and 4 ft. (0.9 – 1.2 m). When planted together, the small spiky-looking red plants can create a sea of color in your garden.
- Outstanding feature: Decorative plant that grows in clumps with brightly colored flowers.
- Growing zone: 4 – 9.
- Red cultivars: Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet,’ Bee Balm ‘Jacob Cline,’ ‘Cherry Pops,’ ‘Raspberry Wine,’ Bee Balm ‘Coral Reef.’
Gerbera Daisy
Appreciated around the world for their flowers, large flowers on the Gerbera Daisy plant grow at the top of a long stem. The long petals fan out from the center to form a star shape of this large bloom. Gerbera Daisies are some of the most popular flowers to use in cut flower arrangements. Some round red flower heads can measure as much as 4” (12 cm) across with the smallest flowers being 2.7” (4 cm). Some large disc-shaped flowers have single-colored petals and a contrasting black center.
- Outstanding feature: Cheerful flowers that brighten up a room and look like small sunflowers.
- Growing zone: 8 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Gerbera ‘Ruby Red,’ ‘Revolution Bi-Color Red Lemon,’ ‘Rainbow Rays.’
With its small wavy petals, red flowers on the Cockscomb (Celosia) plant are some of the more unusual types. There are 2 graceful flower types on Cockscomb plants. One is a cute cone-shaped fiery-looking bloom and the other is a pretty wavy flower head sitting on top of the plant. The feathery red plumes and the pointed green leaves give a dramatic look to your garden in the fall. The bushy plants grow between 6” and 3 ft. (15 – 91 cm).
- Outstanding feature: Red spiky plumes create a dramatic fiery look.
- Growing zone: 2 – 11.
- Red cultivars: Cockscomb ‘Castle Scarlet,’ Red cultivars from the Bombay series.
Asian Bleeding Heart
The Asian Bleeding Heart is a red flowering vining plant that produces tiny flowers that look like rows of red hearts dangling from arching flower stems. Asian Bleeding Hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) flowers usually come in pink colors. However, the red and white cultivar called ‘Valentine’ is especially striking. This flowering plant grows to about 4 ft. (1.2 m) tall and has a spread of 18” (45 cm).
- Outstanding feature: Small heart-shaped flowers that look just like bleeding hearts.
- Growing zone: 3 – 9.
Considered as the prettiest flower in the world, flowers on peonies are dazzling due to the compact bunch of ruffled petals. The bushy red, pink, or yellow flowers look stunning in contrast to the deep green leafy foliage. This perennial woody shrub grows to a maximum of 3 ft. (1 m) tall and the reddish-pink flowers are very fragrant. Expect to get beautiful displays of showy flowers at the end of spring and start of summer.
- Outstanding feature: The large showy red flowers are perfect for celebrating an anniversary, engagement, or wedding.
- Growing zone: 3 – 8.
- Red cultivars: Paeonia ‘Buckeye Belle’ (one of the most popular red peonies), ‘Coral and Gold,’ ‘Early Scout’ (has maroon petals and contrasting yellow center), ‘Many Happy Returns’ (perfect red peony for celebrations), ‘Port Royale.’
Red Carnations
Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) are showy flowers that are often used in cut flower arrangements. The red fuzzy flower heads create elegance and beauty when combined with yellow, white, and pink flowers. Apart from single colored blooms, there are many fascinating types of red carnations with bi-colored petals and multi-toned petals. Carnations bloom from late spring to late summer.
- Outstanding feature: Deep red carnations with smaller white flowers are perfect for weddings.
- Growing zone: 3 to 9.
- Red cultivars: ‘EverLast Burgundy Blush,’ ‘Raspberry Swirl,’ ‘King of the Blacks.’
Red Spider Lilies
Red Spider lilies (Lycoris) are red perennial bulbous plants that have stunning showy flowers made up of ultra-thin elegant petals. The extra-long stamens only add to the spectacular display of these reddish flowers. When planted together, Spider lilies create a carpet of reds, pink, and coral colors. The long thin stems can grow between 1 to 2 ft. (30 – 60 cm). Bloom with curling petals and striking stamens create a spectacular display.
- Outstanding feature: Add vibrant red colors to your garden in the fall.
- Growing zone: 6 – 10.
- Red cultivars: Red Spider Lily
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