How to Get Rid of Leaf Miners (With Pictures)

How to Get Rid of Leaf Miners

Leaf miners are larvae of various species of insects that live inside leaves and feed on leaf tissue. Leaf miner damage looks like discolored snaky lines or blotches on leaves that give foliage an unsightly look. Typically, mining larvae don’t kill plants, but feeding on plant tissue causes leaves to look bad and fall off. In severe cases, leaf miner attacks can affect the yield of greenhouse and garden crops as well as fruit trees.

Hanging Succulents: Vining or Trailing Succulents for Hanging Baskets

Hanging Succulents

Hanging succulents have long trailing vines that look spectacular in hanging baskets. The best succulents for hanging baskets have dangling stems with fleshy leaves, and some may even flower. Trailing succulents generally grow best in partial shade and don’t require much maintenance. You can also grow hanging succulents indoors or outdoors, depending on the climate.

How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers: 11 Natural Ways to Kill Grasshoppers in the Garden

How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers are hungry insects that can quickly destroy plants and vegetables in your garden. Although they seem small and insignificant, large numbers of grasshoppers can become garden pests. An invasion of grasshoppers can rapidly munch their way through green vegetable leaves, broadleaf plants, and grasses. Thankfully, there are effective ways to kill grasshoppers in your garden naturally.

Alocasia Frydek: Care and Growing Guide

Alocasia Frydek: Care and Growing Guide

Alocasia Frydek (Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’) is a stunning tropical perennial houseplant with large arrow-shaped leaves with thick white veins. Also called the Green Velvet plant, the Alocasia Frydek grows well indoors if it gets enough light and humidity. Like all species of Alocasia, the Green Velvet alocasia produces unusual white, slightly fragrant flowers.

Celosia Flower: Cockscomb Flower Care (Celosia Plant Growing Guide)

Celosia Flower: Cockscomb Flower Care

Cockscomb flowers (Celosia) are some of the most spectacular and unusual flowers you will see growing on a plant. There are three types of celosia flowers—Celosia spicata with colorful spikes of feathery flowers, Celosia argentea that has vibrant flowers in a plume shape, and Celosia cristata with flowers that resemble a rooster’s comb. Celosia plants are easy to grow if you live in warm climates.

Top 17 Winter Vegetables to Grow in The Garden (With Pictures)

Winter Vegetables to Grow in The Garden

Growing winter vegetables is a great way to enjoy fresh vegetables from your garden all year long. Many vegetables such as kale, carrots, parsnips, and broccoli continue to grow in cold weather. There are even some winter vegetables that survive harsh frosts—albeit with some protection. If you plant some vegetables in late summer or fall, you can expect to enjoy plenty of healthy winter crops.

Types of Hibiscus: Common Hibiscus Varieties with Their Flowers and Leaves (Pictures) – Identification Guide

Hibiscus is a genus of sun-loving shrubs and small trees with tropical-looking showy flowers in shades such as pink, bright red, pastel orange, white, and yellow. Hibiscus flowers are easily recognizable with their funnel shape, large papery petals, and contrasting colorful centers. Individual hibiscus flowers may only bloom for a day or two, but the bushes produce blossoms throughout the summer.

Tropical Hibiscus: Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures)

Tropical Hibiscus: Care and Growing Guide

Tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a group of beautiful evergreen flowering shrubs that produce huge, colorful flowers. Also called Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, or shoeblack plant, the flowers on these tropical plants can be up to 10” (25 cm) in diameter. Tropical hibiscus flowers can be shades of pink, white, purple, yellow, orange, and red. Very often, the blooms on tropical hibiscus are funnel-shaped with a dark-colored center.

Powdery Mildew on Plants: 4 Ways to Treat Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew on Plants Ways to Treat Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal plant disease that causes leaves and stems to look like they have a dusting of flour on them. Plant foliage with powdery mildew develops white, chalky-looking patches that make the leaves look diseased. In time, the leaves start to turn yellow and may drop off. Powdery mildew may not kill a plant, but the white, dust-like fungus makes plants look sick.

Hardy Hibiscus: Care and Growing Guide

Hardy hibiscus is a group of several hibiscus perennial shrubs that produce large, tropical-like flowers in shades of red, pink, purple, and white. Hardy hibiscus also has some of the largest flowers of any perennial garden shrubs. For example, the “Dinner Plate” hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) is a cold-hardy shrub with huge, flat circular blooms up to 9” (22 cm) wide.