Royal Poinciana (Flamboyant Tree): Flowers, Leaves (Pictures) – Identification

Royal Poinciana (Flamboyant Tree)

Royal poinciana is a stunning flowering evergreen tree that blooms with masses of showy red-orange flowers in late spring and early summer. Also called the flame of the forest, flamboyant tree, or flame tree, the royal poinciana is known for its fern-like leaves, spreading umbrella-like canopy, and attractive mahogany seed pods. 

Types of Pine Trees in Florida (Pictures) – Identification Guide

Florida pines

Many species of pine trees grow well in Florida’s unique climate. Pine trees are typically cold-hardy coniferous trees, known for their evergreen pine-needle foliage and hardiness in freezing temperatures. Despite this fact, some pine trees in Florida thrive. For example, the longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, loblolly pine, and spruce pine are found throughout the Sunshine State. 

Katsura Tree (Including Weeping Katsura): Leaves, Bark and Care (Pictures) – Identification

Katsura Tree

Katsura tree is a medium-sized ornamental flowering tree with light brown shaggy bark, heart-shaped green leaves, and spectacular golden-yellow or orange fall foliage. A fascinating feature of the katsura tree is its sweet caramel-like smell when the leaves drop in the fall. The multi-trunked deciduous tree grows an oval to a pyramidal crown with arching branches.

Types of Kitchen Bugs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Kitchen Bugs

Many types of bugs can become a significant nuisance in kitchens. Tiny black kitchen bugs like fruit flies, gnats, or drain flies can hover around your face or land on food. Disgusting kitchen bugs such as rice weevils, flour beetles, or pantry bugs lay eggs in stored dry food products that become infested with larvae. Or you could notice disease-carrying cockroaches or other nasty bugs scurrying across your floor.

Yellow Shrubs: Landscaping Shrubs with Yellow Leaves or Flowers

Yellow Shrubs: Landscaping Shrubs with Yellow Leaves or Flowers

Growing yellow shrubs in your garden is an excellent way of brightening up a landscape. Shrubs with yellow leaves, flowers, or berries provide a splash of bright color that compliments green foliage. Even on drab, overcast winter days, evergreen yellow shrubs continue to provide some brightness. In addition, yellow shrubs can help to mask brown fences or other unsightly garden structures.

Small or Dwarf Shrubs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Small or Dwarf Shrubs

Dwarf shrubs or small flowering bushes have great value for garden landscapes. Small shrubs are ideal for compact gardens where space is limited, or they can help to enhance larger flowering shrubs.

Green Ash Tree: Leaves, Bark (Pictures) – Identification and Care Guide

Green Ash Tree Identification

The green ash tree (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) is a medium-sized, fast-growing deciduous tree with large, glossy, dark green leaves and an irregular pyramidal crown. A green ash tree has gray-brown furrowed bark with diamond patterns, small clusters of spring flowers (panicles), and long winged fruit called samaras, similar to the seeds of maples.

Berries That Grow On Trees (Including Blackberry Lookalikes) – With Pictures and Identification Guide

Berries that grow on trees are surprisingly uncommon in the botanical world. The most well-known tree that produces edible berries is the mulberry tree with its blackberry-like fruit. Other types of edible berries that grow on trees are hackberries, silver buffaloberry, serviceberry, Panama berry, and fruit on the strawberry tree.

Types of Pantry Bugs (With Pictures) – Identification and Treatment Guide

Pantry Bugs identification and treatment

Pantry bugs are tiny insects like beetles, weevils, moths, ants, and worms that can infest foodstuffs. These little pantry bugs live in flour, dried grains, cereal products, pasta, rice, spices, crackers, and powdered foods. Unfortunately, identifying and getting rid of pantry bugs is challenging. The little creepy crawlies are hard to spot, and their eggs are often microscopic.

Willow Oak: Leaves, Bark, Acorns (Pictures): Identification and Growing Guide

willow oak tree (Quercus phellos) identification

The willow oak tree is a type of native red oak that gets its name from the long, willow-like leathery leaves growing on the tree. The impressive medium-sized deciduous willow oak is known for its fast growth, lush foliage, barrel-shaped acorns, and golden yellow or copper-brown fall foliage. Once established in the landscape, willow oak trees are robust, drought-tolerant and hardy.