Boxelder Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark, Fruit (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Boxelder Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark, Fruit (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Boxelder is a deciduous, broadleaved, medium-sized tree with a broad, irregular crown and rounded shape. Its identifying features are bright green lance-shaped ovate leaves with serrated margins, winged seeds called samaras, and dark brown ridged bark. Unlike other trees in the genus Acer, boxelder leaves are pinnately compound, with three to seven leaflets on a petiole. 

Brown Bugs on Plants (Including Tiny Bugs) – Pictures, Identification and Control

Brown Bugs on Plants identification

Brown bugs on plants are significant pests on ornamental shrubs, flowering plants, houseplants, and crops. Small, destructive brown bugs like aphids, spider mites, Asiatic beetles, and Colorado potato beetles can devastate decorative plants and crops. The tiny brown bugs bite into plant tissue and suck juices or burrow in the ground and consume roots.

Black Spiders With White Spots (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Black Spiders With White Spots (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Seeing a black spider with white spots scurrying across the floor is enough to send you into a frenzied panic. Or you may have noticed a white-spotted black spider outside in the yard and wonder if the spider is dangerous or not. Identifying black spiders that have white markings is vital to identify harmless spiders from venomous, biting spiders.

Low Maintenance Small Shrubs for Front of House Landscaping (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Low Maintenance Small Shrubs For Front of House

Planting low-maintenance small shrubs in your front yard is perfect to increase your property’s curb appeal. Low-growing landscaping shrubs for the front of the house provide year-long color, fragrant flowers, and visual appeal to create a welcoming landscape. Small evergreen shrubs can grow along a foundation line, driveway, or in mixed beds for all-year greenery. Other dwarf flowering shrubs can enhance the beauty and aesthetics of your front yard.

Black and White Bees, Wasps and Hornets (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Black and White Bees, Wasps and Hornets (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Black and white bees are sometimes mistaken for the bald-faced hornet—a type of black wasp with white markings. However, several species of bees have black furry bodies with white stripes. Additionally, there are a few types of black and white wasps, one of which is the feared bald-faced hornet.

Front Yard Evergreen Shrubs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Front Yard Evergreen Shrubs

Evergreen shrubs for the front yard can do wonders to enhance your garden landscape aesthetics and boost curb appeal. Front yard evergreen shrubs keep your garden looking lush throughout the year. Flowering evergreen shrubs add a splash of floral color from spring through fall. In addition, planting dwarf, evergreen shrubs in your front yard ensures plenty of green color in an otherwise barren winter landscape.

Common House Spiders (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Common House Spiders (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

House spiders are common in many homes throughout the country. Despite this fact, most people cringe at the sight of a common house spider. Seeing a black or brown arachnid scampering across the floor or lurking in a dark corner can send you into a panic. There is also the fear that the house spider is dangerous and could inflict a nasty bite. Thankfully, most common house spiders are harmless.

Black and Yellow Bees, Wasps and Hornets (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Black and Yellow Bees, Wasps and Hornets

Black and yellow bees, wasps, and hornets are small flying insects that are easy to confuse. Identifying black and yellow wasps is tricky because some wasps look like bees. Additionally, hornets with black and yellow stripes are a type of wasp but have more aggressive behavior. There are also species of bees that seem aggressive; however, the black and yellow insects exhibit defensive behavior only when threatened.

Ground Cover Plants With Pink Flowers (With Pictures) – Identification Guide 

Ground Cover Plants With Pink Flowers

Pink-flowering ground cover plants are ideal landscaping solutions to create a colorful mat of pink and green colors. Ground cover plants with pink flowers can grow in the shade to add a pop of color under shrubs, along fences, or in a north-facing garden. Additionally, full-sun ground-hugging plants with pink flowers provide colorful ground cover through summer despite growing in intense sunshine.

Rowan: Trees, Berries, Flowers. Leaves, Bark – Pictures and Identification Guide

Rowan Trees identification

The rowan tree is a small ornamental flowering tree with an attractive crown consisting of pinnately compound leaves. Rowan trees are known for their showy clusters of white spring flowers followed by colorful orange or red berries appearing in the fall. Cold-hardy deciduous rowan trees are found throughout North America and Europe.