Walnut Trees Identification Guide (With Pictures): Leaves, Bark, Types

Walnut Trees Identification guide

Are you interested in identifying walnut trees? This comprehensive guide will help you uncover the key features for accurate walnut tree identification. From their unique leaves and bark to variations in size and fruit characteristics, you’ll gain the knowledge needed to confidently recognize different walnut species.

The Best 19 Sun-Loving Perennials That Bloom All Summer (With Pictures)

Top Sun-Loving Perennials That Bloom All Summer

Perennial flowers that thrive in full sun and bloom all summer are perfect for your garden landscape. Sun-loving plants like blanket flowers, coneflowers, yarrow, tickseed, and lantanas fill landscapes with color from late spring through fall. Full-sun perennials create stunning visual displays and add vibrancy to your outdoor space.

Tall Palm Trees (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Tall Palm Trees (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Tall palm trees symbolize tropical and subtropical regions. The Quindío wax palm, the world’s tallest, grows up to 200 feet (60 m). Many other palms reach 100 feet (30 m) in height. These majestic tropical trees grace skylines with their tall, slender trunks and fan-like or feather-like fronds.

Types of Peperomia (Radiator Plants) – With Pictures

Types of Peperomia (Radiator Plants)

Peperomia plants are compact, tropical plants with fleshy leaves and ornamental foliage. There are over 1,500 species of peperomia, many of which are popular houseplants. Some small peperomia varieties have thick, succulent-like oval leaves. Other larger types of peperomia have rippled or striped green heart-shaped leaves. Peperomias with long trailing stems and small leaves are perfect for hanging baskets.

Full Sun Evergreen Shrubs – Identification Guide

Full Sun Evergreen Shrubs - Identification Guide

Full-sun evergreen shrubs enhance outdoor spaces with year-round foliage. They come in small and large bushy varieties, ensuring a lush garden landscape. Evergreen shrubs add texture to sunny gardens with diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. From compact conifers to flowering multi-stemmed plants, sun loving evergreen shrubs thrive in 6-8 hours of sunlight, making them essential for sunny yards.

Southern Trees (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Southern Trees (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Southern trees are a beautiful addition to garden landscapes in the southern region of the United States. They tolerate the hot and humid climates of states such as Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, and the Carolinas. Southern trees provide shade, color, and texture to your yard.

Native Texas Flowers (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Native Texas Flowers (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Do you want to enhance the natural beauty of your southern garden landscape? In that case, planting native Texas flowers is the ideal solution. Plants native to the Lone Star State are perfect for any Texan homeowner. The colorful flowers are well-suited to the Texas climate and soil conditions, making them a great addition to any landscape.

Texas Wildflowers (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Texas Wildflowers (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Texas wildflowers are a stunning sight to behold. With their vibrant purple, red, yellow, and pink colors, and unique shapes, wildflowers add beauty to landscapes in the Lone Star State. From the iconic bluebonnets to lesser-known species like the Indian paintbrush, Texas lantana, and fleabane, Texas wildflowers bloom throughout the year.

Types of Ground Bees (With Pictures) – Identification and Control

Ground Bees identification and control

Ground bees or ground nesting bees are solitary bees that make nests in the ground. Ground bees tunnel into dry soil to create underground nests about 6” (15 cm) long where they raise their young. Despite these solitary bees being beneficial to the ecosystem and biodiversity, many gardeners view ground bees as pests. Ground nesting bees can create dirt piles in lawns, spoiling the look of lush turfgrass. Also, many people may be concerned that ground bees can sting.

Small Evergreen Trees (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Small Evergreen Trees - Identification Guide

Small evergreen trees are perfect for adding year-round color and texture to your garden landscape without taking up too much space. Evergreen trees that don’t grow too tall are ideal for compact gardens, front yards, or accent plants in larger landscapes. With their evergreen foliage, small conifers and other evergreen trees provide a constant presence in your garden. Some evergreen trees under 10 feet tall also have fragrant flowers or colorful fruit.