Category Archives: Shrubs

Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide

Hibiscus Care and Growing Guide

Hibiscus is a genus of large shrubs or small trees famous for their large, showy trumpet-shaped flowers. Hibiscus flowers have papery petals in hues such as pink, white, red, orange, yellow, purple, or peach. Growing hibiscus shrubs or trees in your front or backyard adds wonderful summer tropical flowers to your garden landscape.

Types of Viburnum: Shrubs, Trees and Hedges (With Pictures)

Types of Viburnum: Shrubs, Trees and Hedges

Viburnum shrubs, hedges, and trees are beautiful flowering plants that add beauty to garden landscapes. Viburnum are bushy woody plants that produce white or pinkish-white fragrant flowers that bloom throughout spring. The dark-green ovate leaves on species of viburnum turn a spectacular bright orangey-red color in the fall. One reason why types of viburnum are popular in front and backyards is that they are versatile plants that grow in most conditions.

Crape Myrtle Bushes: Types and Care (With Pictures)

Crape Myrtle Bushes: Types, Care (With Pictures)

Crape myrtle bushes (Lagerstroemia indica) are attractive varieties of multi-stemmed flowering shrubs with showy red, white, pink or purple flowers. Crape myrtle shrubs flower in summer, turning the large bushes into colorful floral displays that attract birds and pollinators. You can grow ornamental crape myrtle bushes in warm climates. They are ideal plants for shrub borders, specimen plants, and container plants in beautiful garden landscapes.

21 Evergreen Shrubs (With Pictures and Names) – For Front or Backyard

evergreen flowering shrubs

Evergreen shrubs are perfect for privacy in a backyard and creating decorative garden features in a front yard. The beauty of growing evergreen shrubs in a garden landscape is that the bushy plants stay green all year long.

Amazing Types of Azalea Bushes And Their Flowers (Rhododendron spp.) – With Pictures and Identification

Azalea varieties

Azaleas are a type of flowering bushy plant in the Rhododendron genus. Azalea shrubs can transform your garden with a sea of color when the plants bloom in the springtime. Azalea flowers come in shades of orange, yellow, purple, red, pink, and white colors. Some spectacular types of azaleas have gorgeous flowers with large bi-colored petals and protruding stamens.

Lilac Bush: Facts, Flowers, How to Grow It and Care Tips (With Pictures)

Lilac Bush care

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is a deciduous bush that blooms for two weeks in late spring and early summer. Lilac shrubs are extremely easy to care for and can be pruned so that their dense leaves create a privacy hedge with pink, purple, or white fragrant blooms. All lilacs need to grow well is plenty of sunlight, fertile soil that drains well, and annual light pruning.

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus): Plant Profile, Care, Varieties, Pruning

Hibiscus Syriacus

The rose of Sharon is a type of hibiscus shrub or small tree that produces beautiful red, white, pink, light blue, or lilac flowers. Many gardeners prize this flowering shrub because it produces stunning flowers in late summer when few shrubs are in bloom. Caring for rose of Sharon plants is also very easy and they survive most winters well. Rose of Sharon is a great shrub to use as a privacy hedge or as a foundation shrub.