Category Archives: Animals
Types of Black Bugs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Black bugs in your home are typically nuisance pests that come in all shapes and sizes. Although most small black bugs are harmless, no one wants to see tiny black creatures crawling on work surfaces, furniture, carpets, and windowsills. Additionally, some pesky black insects can bite, causing an itchy rash while you’re sleeping in bed.
Weevils in Flour (Flour Bugs): Causes and Treatments

Finding weevils in flour and other pantry staples can give you a nasty surprise. The little critters that look like tiny black dots love to infest dry foodstuffs in your pantry. Unfortunately, discovering weevils in flour probably means the bugs have laid eggs and hatched into larvae, ready to become more adult weevils.
Types of Small Flying Bugs In House (With Pictures) – Identification Guide
Types of Wasps and How to Identify Them (Pictures and Names)

Wasps are small, flying insects that usually have an identifiable black body with yellow bands. Typically, wasps have a slender, smooth body with a narrow waist, a pair of membranous wings, and six spindly legs. Many species of wasps look like bees, and both wasps and bees are important pollinators that can cause a painful sting.
Types of Florida Bugs and Insects (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Florida is home to many species of bugs and insects. The year-long warm, humid climate in the Sunshine State means that insects like roaches, fleas, ticks, ants, weevils, and wasps can thrive throughout the year. In addition, bugs and insects in Florida can often find their way into homes, causing a nuisance for homeowners.
Types of Texas Wasps (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Texas is home to many types of wasps, ranging from the common yellowjacket to the red paper wasp and the cicada killer wasp. Many species of wasps in Texas play a vital role in the ecosystem. Beneficial wasps help pollinate flowers and also prey on harmful insects. However, many wasps have potentially dangerous stingers and can cause a nasty sting.
Types of Brown Wasps (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Most types of brown wasps are species of paper wasps that have mostly brown bodies with some yellow markings. These brown stinging insects are found throughout North America and can become pests from June until late fall. However, not all brown wasps are paper wasps. Other wasps with brown bodies are the European hornet and the long-tailed giant ichneumon wasp.
Types of Florida Hornets and Wasps (With Pictures) – Identification Guide
Types of Black and Yellow Wasps (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Black and yellow wasps are the most common types of wasps you are likely to find. These black and yellow-banded flying insects are easy to tell apart from most bees. Black and yellow wasps have slender, hairless bodies, a pair of transparent wings, and six legs. Wasps also have a characteristic slender waist between their abdomen and thorax.
Types of Small House Flies (With Pictures) – Identification and Control

Small flies buzzing around your kitchen, living room, or bedroom are more than a nuisance. Many species of small house flies can carry disease as they feed on garbage, emerge from drains, or crawl over decaying plant matter. And getting rid of tiny house flies can be challenging because it’s difficult to locate the source.