Landscaping Under Pine Trees: 31 Plants That Thrive Under Pine Trees

Landscaping Under Pine Trees: Plants That Thrive Under Pine Trees

Finding the right plants for landscaping under pine trees can be challenging. Pine trees have shallow roots and thrive in sandy, well-drained soils where many shrubs, bulbs, perennial flowers, and ground cover plants struggle. Also, pine tree canopies create shaded areas, making it difficult to find plants that thrive in the soil conditions pine trees create.

Types of Arizona Caterpillars (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Arizona Caterpillars identification

Caterpillars are a common sight in Arizona. Native Arizona caterpillars are typically large, worm-like creatures with cylindrical bodies. Common caterpillars in Arizona can be black and yellow with stripes, fat green larvae with dots or unusual markings, black spiky crawling insects, or black and orange furry caterpillars. Arizona also has types of stinging caterpillars, like the southern flannel moth caterpillar and the crowned slug moth caterpillar. 

51 Low Maintenance Shrubs for Front of House Landscaping

Low Maintenance Shrubs for Front of House Landscaping

Low-maintenance shrubs are vital for landscaping the front of your house. Evergreen and deciduous shrubs require little care to boost curb appeal, improve security, and provide privacy. Minimal-upkeep shrubs enhance your property’s aesthetics by adding color, texture, and lush foliage to its foundation line. Low-maintenance front-of-house shrubs help make your home more welcoming without spending hours gardening.

51 Types of Flowering Weeds (with Pictures): Identification Guide

Types of Flowering Weeds (White, Purple, Pink) - Pictures and Identification Guide

Despite weeds having a bad rap, flowering weeds can add a touch of natural beauty, color, and fragrance to your garden landscape. In the right place, weeds that flower don’t have to be a nuisance. Instead, flowering weeds with white, purple, or pink flowers can bloom and enhance the visual appeal of your yard. After all, what may be a weed to one gardener could be an attractive flower to another.

37 Texas Caterpillars (Including Hairy and Fuzzy) With Pictures – Identification Guide

Texas Caterpillars

Texas is home to a variety of caterpillars in different shapes and sizes. These include stinging, horned, smooth-bodied, furry, and spiky types. The worm-like caterpillars often appear in green, black, or yellow hues. Additionally, specific markings on their body segments can aid in the identification of caterpillars in Texas.

14 Types of Black and Brown Caterpillars (Pictures and Identification)

Black and Brown Caterpillars identification

Black and brown caterpillars are the worm-like larvae of moths and butterflies. The most common black and brown caterpillar is the furry banded woolly bear. This hairy crawling insect is covered in black hairy tufts with a bronze-brown band in the middle. Other types of brown and black caterpillars can have smooth bodies, spiny clumps, mottled patterns, or stinging setae (hairs). 

The Best 21 Plants For Poor Soil (Even A Beginner Can Care For Them)

The Best Plants For Poor Soil

Poor soil in a garden can make planting beautiful flowers, shrubs, and perennials challenging. The good news is that plenty of flowering plants and ornamental grasses thrive in poor soil conditions. Some plants grow in dry, rocky, or poorly-draining soil because of their root system or growth habit. Whether your garden’s soil is sandy, clay, soggy, or with low fertility, many plants adapt and thrive in these conditions.

Types of Hairy Caterpillars (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Hairy Caterpillars identification

Hairy caterpillars may look cute and fluffy, but many species of these furry worm-like creatures have stinging spines. Species of caterpillars covered in hairs come in all shapes and sizes. For example, there are fuzzy white caterpillars with long pencil setae. Other hairy caterpillars may be covered in tufts of dense hairs giving the worms a furry appearance. Different types of hairy caterpillars may look like black and brown woolly tubes.

18 Types of Moth Caterpillars: A Visual Identification Guide

Types of Moth Caterpillars

A moth caterpillar refers to the larval stage of a moth, which is the stage before it undergoes metamorphosis to become an adult moth. Moth caterpillars come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and they feed on a wide range of plant materials depending on the specific species. During this stage, they primarily focus on consuming food to fuel their growth and development before they enter the pupal stage and eventually emerge as adult moths.

The 39 Most Common Florida Caterpillars: A Visual Identification Guide

Florida Caterpillars

Florida is home to many types of caterpillars. Among Florida’s exotic and strange-looking caterpillars are fuzzy, striped, and unusual-looking horned caterpillars. In addition, several varieties of stinging caterpillars in the Sunshine State can give you a nasty sting if you handle them. Identifying caterpillars in Florida can help to know which species of caterpillars are poisonous and which are harmless.