45 Flowering Trees for California: Identification Guide with Pictures

Flowering trees in California make a stunning aesthetic addition to any southwestern garden. Many native trees thrive in the warm climates of California. Flowering tropical deciduous and evergreen trees enhance garden landscapes with colorful blooms, lush foliage, and sweet scents all year round. Additionally, tall trees with flowers make excellent shade sources in the Golden State.
50 Fast Growing Trees (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Fast-growing trees for your garden landscape are ideal for shade and privacy. Planting trees with a fast growth rate means they reach their mature height in a relatively short time. This gives you the opportunity to achieve your landscaping goals sooner. Additionally, fast-growing evergreen trees have the advantage of offering privacy throughout the year.
15 Types of Bushy and Shrub-Like Palm Trees

Bushy and shrub-like palm trees are excellent for landscaping gardens. Compact palm shrubs with bushy fronds add lush evergreen foliage and a tropical charm to gardens. These small palm trees require minimal maintenance, offer shade, and thrive in various climates. You can use them to create a vibrant and inviting space, making them excellent for tropical aesthetic appeal and landscaping practicality.
37 Plants That Thrive Under Trees: Flowers, Shrubs, Ground Covers, and Bulbs

Choosing the right plants to grow under trees can be challenging. Plants growing around trees must compete for nutrients and moisture. Flowers, shrubs, and bulbs also must grow without much sunlight, tolerating constant shade from the tree’s canopy. However, there are plenty of flowers, shrubs, ground covers, and bulbs to fill empty, barren spaces under trees.
The Best 18 Plants That Thrive Under Evergreen Trees

Growing plants under evergreen trees can be challenging due to the shade and dry ground. In addition, if you are planting under a coniferous tree like pine, you’ll also have acidic soil. Many types of evergreen trees have shallow roots that absorb nutrients and moisture from the shaded root zone. Therefore, various shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses, and ground cover plants may struggle to grow under evergreen trees.
37 Types of Striped Caterpillars with Pictures – Identification Guide

Caterpillars are larvae in the class Insecta that turn into beautiful moths or butterflies. Striped caterpillars are some of the most striking caterpillars you will find in your garden or in the wild. Different species of caterpillars with stripes can be identified by their vibrant colors, hairiness, number of spines, or size. Some of the most interesting striped caterpillars have black, white, and yellow stripes and long horns.
15 Types of Butterfly Caterpillars and What They Become (With Pictures)

Caterpillars that turn into butterflies are colorful worm-like crawling insects in all shapes and sizes. Butterfly caterpillars typically have a smooth body, and some exotic-looking caterpillars may have a spiny appearance. In addition, butterfly larvae or caterpillars can be green, brown, black or yellow and have identifiable stripes, patterns, and other recognizable features.
15 Types of Venomous Caterpillars (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Venomous caterpillars have poisonous bristles, spines, and barbs on their body that can cause a nasty sting. Some types of venomous caterpillars look soft and cute, but their hairy bodies hide toxin-filled spines that can lodge into the skin. Other caterpillars with poisonous spines look dangerous because they have bright coloring, sharp-looking spines, and a menacing appearance.
16 Beautiful Plants that Thrive Under Maple Trees

Finding plants for landscaping under maple trees can be challenging. Most maples have shallow, aggressive roots, and the tree’s canopy creates dense shade. This means many plants struggle in dry, shady conditions with low soil nutrient levels. However, choosing the right plants can turn a barren maple tree understory into a beautiful and thriving landscape.
17 Plants that Thrive Under Oak Trees

Plants that grow well under oak trees should tolerate shade and drought and not have deep roots. Landscaping under oak trees can be challenging. Even though the majestic trees are beautiful, it isn’t easy to find plants that thrive under oaks. However, with careful planning and the right plant selection, you can create a beautiful and thriving landscape under an oak tree.