32 Maple Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark – Identification Guide (Pictures)

Maple tree identification guide

Maple trees are beautiful deciduous shade trees with leafy foliage. Maple trees have dark brown furrowed bark, small, winged fruits, and narrow reddish-brown twigs. Maple trees commonly have green lobed leaves that change their color to red, yellow, orange, and dark burgundy in the fall. The most identifiable feature of maple trees is their lobed leaves. Maples trees grow up to 150 ft. (45 m) tall.

Lavender Tree: Care and Growing Guide (Watering, Pruning and More)

Lavender Tree

The lavender tree is a tall and beautiful plant with gray-green leaves. It produces clusters of fragrant purple flowers on upright stems. Also called lavender topiary, the plant is a traditional lavender shrub trained to grow as a tree.

Types of Pine Trees in Texas (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Types of Pine Trees in Texas (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Texas is home to several species of native pine trees. From the common loblolly pine and shortleaf pine to the dwarf mugo pine, these majestic coniferous trees thrive in Texas. Although pine trees are cold-hardy conifers, many species of these evergreen trees thrive in the hot, dry, and sometimes humid climate of Texas.

Florida Trees With Yellow Flowers – Identification Guide

Florida Trees With Yellow Flowers - Identification Guide

Trees with yellow flowers are a common sight in Florida landscapes. The most popular yellow-flowering trees in the Sunshine State are trumpet trees (Tabebuia or Handroanthus) and cassia trees. However, many other varieties of deciduous and evergreen trees grace Florida’s tropical and subtropical outdoor spaces with spectacular bright yellow floral displays.

The Best Flowers For a Bee-Friendly Garden

The Best Flowers For a Bee-Friendly Garden

Flowers in a bee garden attract important pollinators to your yard. Not only do bee-friendly flowers add color and beauty to your outdoor space, but they also play a crucial role in local ecosystems. By knowing the right bee-friendly flowers to grow, you can support populations of black and yellow honeybees, bumblebees, carpenter bees, and many other insect species in the suborder Apocrita.

Small Shrubs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Small Shrubs (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Small shrubs are a terrific way to add greenery, color, and texture to your outdoor space. Low-growing landscaping shrubs can grow in tight spaces, compact gardens, or limited yard spaces without taking up too much room. Small deciduous shrubs can provide lush foliage, fragrant flowers, and visual appeal from spring through fall. Also, small evergreen shrubs are perfect for privacy and year-long greenery to keep your front or backyard looking healthy.

Small Evergreen Shrubs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Small Evergreen Shrubs (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Small evergreen shrubs are a popular choice for garden landscapes across the country. Whether you want to add greenery to your front yard or create a cozy backyard retreat, evergreen bushy plants are ideal solutions. These low-growing shrubs are known for their robustness, year-round foliage, and low maintenance needs. These growth features make them the perfect choice for busy homeowners who want to enjoy a beautiful garden without spending too much time in the yard.

The Best Florida Butterfly Plants (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

The Best Florida Butterfly Plants (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Several varieties of native Florida plants attract butterflies to your garden. Planting the right shrubs and flowers encourages healthy populations of common butterflies in the Sunshine State—monarch, swallowtail, fritillary, admiral, and sulphur butterflies. The best plants native to Florida for butterflies include the butterfly bush, milkweed, lavender, coralbean, and lantana.

Florida Wildflowers (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Florida Wildflowers (With Pictures) - Identification Guide

Florida wildflowers are a stunning addition to any garden landscape. These native plants have adapted to the Sunshine State’s unique climate and growing conditions. As a result, wildflowers in Florida’s meadows, woodlands, and open landscapes are easy to grow, low maintenance, and drought-tolerant. Planting Florida wildflowers lets you brighten a front or backyard with spectacular blooms in yellow, orange, pink, and purple shades.

The Best Florida Flowering Shrubs (With Pictures)

The Best Florida Flowering Shrubs (With Pictures)

Flowering shrubs in a Florida garden landscape can add color, fragrance, and texture. With the right choice of flowering shrubs, you can create a stunning display of colorful blooms lasting for months. Some of the best flowering shrubs for Florida include azalea, camellia, hibiscus, oleander, and viburnum. These shrubs are easy to care for and require minimal maintenance, making them a great choice for busy gardeners.