Category Archives: Caterpillars
50 Green Caterpillars (with Pictures): Caterpillar Identification Guide

Have you ever come across a green caterpillar in your garden and wished you could identify it? This article is a visual guide designed to help you identify 50 different types of green caterpillars. Our comprehensive green caterpillar identification chart will assist you in recognizing and distinguishing the identifying features of various green caterpillar species.
27 Yellow Caterpillars with Identification Guide and Pictures

Yellow caterpillars are larvae that turn to stunning moths or butterflies. Some types of yellow caterpillars are fuzzy-looking and others have smooth segmented bodies typical of many species of caterpillars. Sometimes, yellow fuzzy caterpillars can be poisonous. Although they are not toxic enough to kill you, touching them can cause skin irritation.
Tomato Hornworms: Identification and How to Get Rid of Them

The tomato hornworm is a large green caterpillar with a horn-like tail that does tremendous damage to tomato plants. The hornworms have distinctive creamy-white V-shaped stripes along their sides. However, the destructive caterpillars can be challenging to spot on tomato plants because their green color blends in with tomato foliage.
Horned Caterpillars: Tomato Hornworm, Dragon Headed Caterpillar, and More

Horned caterpillars are crawling insects which are the larvae of moths and butterflies. The “horns” on some types of caterpillars are used in defense to ward off potential predators. Some types of hornworms have a horn-like tail that they wag to frighten other animals. Other horned caterpillars have spiky-looking structures giving the caterpillar a horned appearance.