Category Archives: Animals
Insects That Look Like Bees (Flies, Wasps, Bugs) with Pictures and Identification

Many insects mimic bees in their appearance, behavior, flying action, and size. Wasps are the most obvious bee mimics because of their black and yellow striped bodies and ability to cause a painful sting. However, some black and yellow flies, moths, beetles, and ants look remarkably like bees. Apart from wasps and hornets, many of the bugs that look like bees are relatively harmless. So, being able to identify insects that look like bees can help to spot harmless bugs from stinging ones.
Types of Hornets: Nest, Size, Color (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

A hornet is a kind of giant wasp with brown and yellow stripes and a black or yellow body. Hornets have venom-containing stingers that can deliver a painful and, sometimes, life-threatening sting. Asian species of hornets—Asian hornet and Japanese giant hornet—have a reputation for being aggressive. However, the European hornet can also attack humans if you get too close to the hornet nest. Hornets are social flying insects that live in papery nests.
How to Kill Maggots: 7 Ways To Get Rid of Maggots in the House and in Trash Can

Opening your trash can to find a horde of white, wriggling maggots can send you into a panic. The small worm-like creatures seem to come from nowhere and can quickly infest containers, garbage cans, under your sink, or other areas of your house. The best way to get rid of maggots is to prevent flies from laying eggs and kill the writhing larvae with boiling water or vinegar.
Types of Beautiful Moths (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

Many species of moths are some of the most beautiful flying insects you can see. Colorful moths can be orange, red, green, yellow, white, and pink. The prettiest moths have intricate, colorful patterns on their wings that create dazzling displays when they flutter around at dusk. In many cases, multi-colored moths can be as beautiful as many species of butterflies.
How to Keep Rabbits Out of Yard and Garden: Fences, Deterrents, Repellents and More

They may look like cute, cuddly animals, but there are plenty of reasons to keep rabbits out of your garden or yard. Rabbits love to nibble on tender shoots, leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. Preventing rabbits in your yard or garden requires a multi-method approach. It’s vital to protect your garden from plant-destroying bunnies with fences, growing plants rabbits hate and using a range of deterrents.
Fluffy, Fuzzy or Furry Moths – Identification (With Pictures and Names)

Many types of fluffy moths are some of the prettiest and most beautiful winged insects you’ll find. Fuzzy moths can be colorful insects with pink, yellow, orange, blue, and white-colored wings. Many beautiful moths have fluffy brown bodies and wings with intricate patterns that can match the beauty of butterflies. Some spectacular furry moths have eye-like markings on their wings.
Types of Moths With Identification Guide and Pictures (Identification Chart)

Many types of moths are beautiful nocturnal flying insects with colorful patterns on their large wings. Moths are more than the common brown moth that seems relatively drab compared to beautiful butterflies. Many moth species have stunning colors such as yellow, orange, pink, green, and red patterns. Some fascinating moth species can look like leaves or bark as they camouflage themselves on plants.
Types of Green Insects With Pictures and Names – Identification Guide

Green insects come in all shapes, sizes, and shades of green. Some common green insects such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, and lacewings have dark green to lime green bodies. Other insects, such as certain beetle species, have iridescent, metallic green bodies that seem to shimmer. Some butterfly species have fascinating neon green colors on their wings.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs on Plants

Slugs are plant-destroying pests that eat ornamental plant leaves, vegetables, flowers, bulbs, shrubs, and fruit. Slugs damage is seen as irregular holes in foliage, stripped vegetation, and dying plants. Soft, slimy black or brown slugs do the most damage in gardens at night, especially when it’s humid.
How to Get Rid of Leaf Miners (With Pictures)

Leaf miners are larvae of various species of insects that live inside leaves and feed on leaf tissue. Leaf miner damage looks like discolored snaky lines or blotches on leaves that give foliage an unsightly look. Typically, mining larvae don’t kill plants, but feeding on plant tissue causes leaves to look bad and fall off. In severe cases, leaf miner attacks can affect the yield of greenhouse and garden crops as well as fruit trees.