Category Archives: Animals
How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers: 11 Natural Ways to Kill Grasshoppers in the Garden

Grasshoppers are hungry insects that can quickly destroy plants and vegetables in your garden. Although they seem small and insignificant, large numbers of grasshoppers can become garden pests. An invasion of grasshoppers can rapidly munch their way through green vegetable leaves, broadleaf plants, and grasses. Thankfully, there are effective ways to kill grasshoppers in your garden naturally.
Thrips on Plants: Effective Ways to Get Rid of Thrips

Thrips are tiny, winged insects that do tremendous damage to plants. These common pests feed on the sap and juices of houseplants, garden plants, and greenhouse crops. Thrip infestations can damage plants so much that leaves lose color, and plants eventually die. Thrips are challenging to get rid of. Their pupae lurk in the soil before emerging to feed on plants.
Garden Spiders: Black and Yellow Garden Spider, Brown Spiders and More – Identification Guide (Pictures)

The garden spider (Argiope aurantia) is a black and yellow spider that is a common sight in late summer. Also named, yellow garden spider, you can identify the garden spider by its yellow and black markings and eight long spindly legs. Garden spider (Argiope aurantia) also has the names zigzag spider, corn spider, zipper spider, Steeler spider, golden garden spider, writing spider, golden orb-weaver, and McKinley spider.
Ants in the Garden – Good or Bad? (and How to Get Rid of Ants)

Ants play a beneficial role in a healthy garden’s ecosystem and can be good for gardens – ants tunnel in the ground, helping to aerate the soil and that allows moisture and oxygen to get to plant roots. The small six-legged insects also speed up the decomposition of decaying plant matter, helping to fertilize plants.
Does a Potato Bug Bite? All the Facts about Potato Bug (Jerusalem Cricket)

Potato bug bites aren’t poisonous but they can be very painful and sore. The potato bug is also called Jerusalem cricket or child of the earth bug and it lives in the western United States and Mexico. These nocturnal large insects can get into your home and usually inflict a nasty bite if they feel threatened or cornered.
Types of Animals: Classes, Species, Categories and More

There are many different types of animals but no one knows the exact number of animal types. Categorizing all the different types of animals into classes makes it easier to study them and learn more about the animal kingdom. There are six animal classes and every animal in the animal kingdom belongs to one of them. We can also group similar types of animals into orders, families, genera, and species. This also helps to see the relationship between different species and families of animals.
Types of Insects with Pictures and Names for Easy Identification

There are so many types and species of insects that they are the largest group of animals to inhabit our planet. Insects are a diverse group of arthropods and include among others ants, butterflies, caterpillars, fleas, bees, and ladybugs. Although we think of some insects as pests, all kinds of insects have an important role in our ecosystem.
Types of Guppies (Including Fancy Varieties) Plus Guppy Care Guide (With Pictures)

Guppies are a type of freshwater tropical fish that are very easy to care for in aquariums. One of the attractions of keeping guppies in a fish tank is that they come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and patterns. Some ornamental species of guppies have showy tails, fancy types of guppies have brightly colored bodies, and some have striking tiger-like patterns.
Types of Butterflies with Identification Guide to Butterfly Species (Pictures)

Butterflies are one of the most graceful and beautiful types of flying insects you will find in your garden. All types of butterflies are beneficial insects because they pollinate flowers and feed on common garden pests. Most people are familiar with the monarch butterfly. However, there are some 18,500 species of butterflies in the world that come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. From the many thousands of butterfly species in the world, about 700 are native to North America.
Different Types of Birds with Their Picture, Species, and Name (Including Pet Birds)

Birds are a class of animal that can be identified as having wings, beaks, feathers, and laying hard-shelled eggs. Some types of birds such as hummingbirds are tiny and can be as small as 2” (5 cm). At the other end of the scale, large flightless birds such as ostriches can be as tall as 9 ft. (2.75 m). All species of birds play an important role in their native habitats, and many people like to keep domestic birds as pets.