Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum Cactus): Types, Flowers, Care Guide (Pictures) – Identification

The orchid cactus is a type of hanging cactus plant with trailing succulent stems and spectacular colorful cup-shaped flowers in beautiful shades of white, pink, orange, or red. Orchid cacti have long, flat leaf-like stems with serrated or scalloped margins, and the stems growing up to 24” (60 cm) long and 2” (5 cm) wide. The attractive feature of the orchid cactus plant is the masses of showy flowers blooming at the end of cascading stems.
Most types of cacti are flowering plants. However, for showy displays, orchid cacti have the most stunning and most enormous of all cactus flowers. But unlike many cactus species, types of orchid cactus require specific care to thrive. For example, an orchid cactus needs regular watering to keep the soil moist.
Another feature of some orchid cacti is that they are night bloomers, and the flowers only emerge once a year. However, other orchid cactus plants bloom profusely during the day. Most orchid cacti have large, fragrant flowers that add plenty of color to hanging baskets.
This article is a guide to the many types of spectacular orchid cactus that you can grow at home. You will also find out which orchid cacti bloom during the night and which hybrids bloom during the daytime.
What is Orchid Cactus?

Orchid cactus
Orchid cactus (Epiphyllum) is an epiphytic plant with broad, flat stems, lobed edges, and large, showy flowers. As a type of epiphytic plant, the orchid cactus absorbs nutrients from the air and its surroundings. This growth feature is like many orchids, which is why they are called orchid cacti.
Epiphyllum hybrids are also popular and produce trailing succulents with flowers in many shades and sizes. Most orchid cactus hybrids are a cross between species of Epiphyllum and Disocactus. Orchid cacti also have the common names climbing cacti, leaf cacti, epicacti, or just epis.
Orchid cacti are a type of succulent plant. This means that they don’t have leaves. However, their fleshy stems with rounded lobed edges look like leaves and are sometimes referred to as leaves. Like succulents, the leafy stems on orchid cacti don’t have spines or jagged edges.
Cactus plants in the Epiphyllum or Disocactus genus thrive outdoors in USDA zones 10 to 12.
Like most cacti plants, orchid cacti are fruit-producing plants. The oval, edible fruits measure about 3” (7 cm) long. The delicious taste of orchid cactus fruit is described as sweet pitaya or dragon fruit.
Orchid Cactus Flowers

Queen of the night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) flower
Orchid cactus flowers are showy, fragrant, and colorful. The attractive cactus flowers feature huge, cup-shaped flowers made up of between seven and 20 petals and can measure 3” to 6” (8 – 16 cm) across. Flowers on the ends of orchid cactus stems can be white, yellow, pink, red, or bi-colored.
Some Epiphyllum flowers, such as the queen of the night cactus, have flowers that look like a cup and saucer. Other types of orchid cactus flowers have thin, spreading petals in a star shape. Finally, the showiest orchid cactus flowers have an abundance of colorful petals with long, protruding stamens and a central stigma in the center of the circular flower.
A feature of flowers on orchid cactus hybrids is that they produce a sweet scent. For example, some of the white orchid cactus species have aromas that can fill a room when they bloom during the night. In warm climates, the scent of queen of the night flowers can be detected up to a quarter of a mile away (400 m).
An orchid cactus in bloom is a stunning sight to behold. Masses of colorful flowers bloom on the end of long cascading stems. Orchid cactus hybrids that bloom during the day flower depending on their color. Typically, orchid cacti with white or yellow flowers bloom in late spring; pinks and reds in May; and June and July for the other colors.
To encourage blooming, it’s necessary to ensure the trailing plant gets plenty of sunlight and is slightly root-bound. Also, a low-nitrogen fertilizer will give the plant the necessary nutrients to produce an abundance of blooms that will last a few weeks. First, however, please check the sun requirement—some orchid cactus hybrids perform better in partial shade or dappled sunlight.
Night-blooming orchid cactus typically only blooms during one evening in the year. For example, the queen of the night cactus blooms during June and July. Blooming may start between 8 pm and 10 pm, and the showy white flowers will be opened fully in a few hours. However, by dawn, the beautiful flowers wilt and die.
Orchid Cactus Care
To care for an orchid cactus, grow the epiphyllum in a light, well-drained potting mix, bright indirect light, and average room temperature. Water the orchid cactus when the top 1” (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. Use a balanced fertilizer in spring and fall and a low-nitrogen fertilizer in late winter to encourage blooming.
When caring for this cactus, the goal is to keep the plant in bright light, moist soil, and medium to high humidity. To ensure blooming, the orchid cactus needs cooler temperatures of 50°F to 60°F for a few weeks in winter. Unfortunately, orchid cacti aren’t cold-tolerant and will die in temperatures below 35°F (1.6°C).
Related reading: Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum Cactus): Care and Growing Guide.
Orchid Cactus Types
Let’s look in more detail at the stunning types of epiphyllum you can grow indoors or, in warmer climates, outdoors.
Queen of the Night Cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

Queen of the night cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
The queen of the night cactus is the most popular type of night-blooming orchid cactus. The ornamental cactus plant has broad, flat scalloped stems, huge white showy flowers, and emits a sweet aroma. The fleshy leaf-like stems can grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) long in ideal conditions.
The queen of the night cactus goes by other names such as night-blooming cereus, lady of the night, and Dutchman’s pipe.
Queen of the night cactus has flattened stems that appear abundantly on the plant. In addition, the long training nature of the succulent “leaves” make this plant an ideal succulent for hanging baskets.
Queen of the night cactus produces purplish-red, oblong fruits that can grow around 5” (12 cm) long and 3” (8 cm) wide. The sweet, fleshy fruits have a delicious taste like dragon fruits.
Orchid cactus flowers: Queen of the night cactus flowers are large, pure-white cup-shaped flowers in a star pattern. The orchid cactus flowers measure up to 6” (15 cm) wide. The snow-white funnel flowers have spindly petals forming a star shape at their base.
German Empress (Disocactus phyllanthoides)

German Empress (Disocactus phyllanthoides)
The German empress is an ornamental orchid cactus in the genus Disocactus. The characteristics of this attractive flowering cactus are flattened stems growing 3 ft. (1 m) long, funnel-shaped pink flowers, and small oval fruits that are red when mature. The orchid cactus grows best in average temperatures, shade, and above-average humidity.
Orchid cactus flowers: The German empress flowers are pink and cup-shaped and grow 4” (10 cm) long and 3.5” (9 cm) wide. Unlike the queen of the night, German empress flowers don’t have a scent, and they bloom during the day
Epiphyllum Pumilum

Epiphyllum pumilum
Epiphyllum pumilum is an orchid cactus with 4 – 6″ (10–15 cm) star-shaped white flowers and long arching scalloped stems. This orchid cactus is a night-blooming cactus that has heavily scented flowers when it blooms once a year. The flowers bloom on the ends of long stems.
Ornamental Epiphyllum pumilum cacti require partial shade and plenty of humidity to thrive. Unfortunately, the lowest temperature the tropical forest plant can survive is 53°F (12°). Nevertheless, with the proper care, the hanging orchid will bloom in summer or early fall.
Epiphyllum pumilum produces small oval fruits that are 1” (2.5 cm) long and have a sweet taste.
Orchid cactus flowers: The Epiphyllum pumilum flowers consist of thin spindly petals forming a creamy-white star behind a bowl-shaped flower.
Climbing Cactus (Epiphyllum phyllanthus)

Climbing cactus (Epiphyllum phyllanthus)
The climbing cactus is a multi-stemmed epiphytic cactus with thin, flattened succulent leaves, and white showy star-shaped scented flowers growing on the end of 12” (30 cm) long stems. Like other night-blooming orchid cacti, this plant prefers plenty of sunlight and moist soil to thrive.
Orchid cactus flowers: The climbing cactus flowers are relatively small compared to other orchid cacti. The creamy-white flowers feature a small cup-shaped center and rays or white or greenish-white petals forming a star.
Crenate Orchid Cactus (Disocactus crenatus)

Crenate orchid cactus (Disocactus crenatus)
The crenate orchid cactus is a nocturnal cactus with enormous white bowl-shaped flowers and flat woody stems that are up to 2 ft. (60 cm) long and 4” (10 cm) wide. The large flowers bloom on the end of stems that are 7” – 12” (18 – 30 cm) long. Unlike other night-blooming orchids, the crenate orchid cactus flowers last for a few days.
Orchid cactus flowers: The spectacular crenate orchid cactus flowers are white cup-shaped flowers with an open form that measure up to 8” (20 cm) wide. Behind the showy flower are pinkish-white linear petals forming a spiny disc. Showy yellow curled stamens fill the center of the flower.
Epiphyllum guatemalense

Epiphyllum guatemalense
One of the most unusual orchid cacti is the curly Epiphyllum guatamalense. This spectacular hanging succulent has dangling green stems that twist and turn, creating curly locks. The twisting, arching stems grow up to 5 ft. (1.5 m) long. This eye-catching orchid cactus goes by the names Epiphyllum guatamalense ‘Monstrose,’ ‘Curly Locks,’ and ‘Curly Sue.’
Epiphyllum guatemalense orchid cactus flowers are white and measure 3” (7.5 cm) wide and 6” (15 cm) long. The flowers only open during the night in the blooming season of early summer. The edible fruits are egg-shaped, purple-red in color.
Epiphyllum Baueri

Epiphyllum baueri
The Epiphyllum baueri orchid cactus flowers are pretty star-shaped with pointed linear petals. The attractive feature of this nocturnal orchid is the dainty orange cup-like flower in the middle. The night-blooming flowers have long, showy pink stamens in full bloom, and the white petals point downward toward the stem.
Epiphyllum Laui

Epiphyllum laui
The orchid cactus Epiphyllum laui has large white bowl-shaped white flowers growing on the ends of 6” (15 cm) long stems. The Epiphyllum laui orchid flowers are 6” (15 cm) wide. The unusual feature of the orchid cactus is the spindly orange linear petals forming rays behind the cup-shaped flowers.
Epiphyllum hookeri

Epiphyllum hookeri
Epiphyllum hookeri orchid cactus flowers consist of pointed white linear petals that form a ray disc. The beautiful delicate petals turn upward to form a cup shape. In the center of the flower are showy white stamens and one central stamen with a pink stigma and yellow or orange top.
Epiphyllum ‘Miss America’

Epiphyllum ‘Miss America’
The orchid cactus flowers on the Epiphyllum ‘Miss America’ are a spectacular deep red. The scarlet petals form a star shape with a red cup-like flower in the center. The stunning red orchid cactus flowers bloom in spring and summer if the weather is warm and humid.
Epiphyllum ‘Unforgettable’

Epiphyllum ‘Unforgettable’
The stunning orchid cactus flowers on the Epiphyllum ‘Unforgettable’ are deep pink or dark red. The beautiful ovate petals form on several rows to create a showy rosette-like orchid flower. Expect the attractive flowers to bloom in late spring.
Epiphyllum ‘Wendy’

Epiphyllum ‘Wendy’
The Epiphyllum ‘Wendy’ has attractive pink cactus orchid flowers with pointed ovate petals that form a funnel shape. At the base of the flower, long, pointed linear petals form a ray disc to add to the showiness of this orchid cactus. Unfortunately, like most day-blooming orchid cacti, there is no scent from the showy pink flowers.
Epiphyllum ‘King Midas’

Epiphyllum ‘King Midas’
The orchid cactus flowers on the Epiphyllum ‘King Midas’ are pastel orange or pink flowers that are about the size of your hand. Beautiful oblong peachy-colored petals form a central cup-shaped flower with long and white fuzzy stamens in the center.
Epiphyllum ‘George French’

Epiphyllum ‘George French’
The hybrid Epiphyllum ‘George French’ cactus flowers are huge cup-shaped white or yellow flowers with showy yellowish-white stamens. Like most showy orchid cactus flowers, the flowers have linear petals forming a star-shaped saucer. The yellow orchid cactus flowers measure 6” (15 cm) across.
Epiphyllum ‘Helmut Oetken’

Epiphyllum ‘Helmut Oetken’
The orchid cactus hybrid Epiphyllum’ Helmut Oetken’ has beautiful white and pink showy flowers. The outward turning white petals form a cup shape in the center. This is surrounded by a ray of light pink or white pointed oblong petals.
Epiphyllum ‘Chichicastenango’

Epiphyllum ‘Chichicastenango’
The Epiphyllum ‘Chichicastenango’ is a fine example of simple yet attractive flowers with creamy-white petals. Ten to 12 petals form the cup-shaped center, and there is a ray of brownish petals forming a ray disc.
Epiphyllum ‘Punch Bowl’

Epiphyllum ‘Punch Bowl’
One of the most spectacular orchid cactus flowers is the Epiphyllum ‘Punch Bowl.’ The showy deep pink orchid cactus flowers are white in the cup-shaped center with a dense cluster of pure white stamens. Like all showy orchid cactus flowers, rays of long colorful petals form a star-like saucer beneath the flower.
Epiphyllum ‘Deutsche Kaiserin’

Epiphyllum ‘Deutsche Kaiserin’
The pink flowers of the orchid cactus Epiphyllum ‘Deutsche Kaiserin’ have a light pink funnel-shaped center with brilliantly white stamens. Open linear or oblong darker pink petals form a ray disc surrounding the showy pink flowers.
Epiphyllum ‘Madras Ribbon’

Epiphyllum ‘Madras Ribbon’
Large pink wavy petals characterize the showy flowers of the orchid cactus ‘Madras Ribbon.’ Three or four rows of petals in a rosette form huge spectacular flowers that contrast with the dark green scalloped stems. Additionally, the yellowish-white stamens add to the dramatic look of these orchid cactus flowers.
Epiphyllum ‘Anton Gunther’

Epiphyllum ‘Anton Gunther’
The large pink flowers on the orchid cactus Epiphyllum ‘Anton Gunther’ create a spectacular floral display when the cactus is in bloom. The enormous pink orchid flowers measure around 6” (15 cm) across and bloom on the ends of long stems. Also, feathery stamens with a central large light pink stigma add to the flower’s showiness.
Epiphyllum Truncatum

Epiphyllum Truncatum
The orchid cactus Epiphyllum truncatum has bright red showy flowers growing on the end of segmented green stems. The Epiphyllum truncatum looks like a Christmas cactus with small funnel-shaped red flowers and arching succulent stems. The red flowers have a tuft of creamy white stamens and long protruding red stigma.
Epiphyllum ‘Five’

Epiphyllum ‘Five’
The orchid cactus Epiphyllum ‘Five’ has small light pink cup-shaped flowers that droop from the ends of long green cactus stems. The light pink funnel flowers have yellowish stamens in the center and a single white stigma.
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