Marble Queen Pothos (Devil’s Ivy Plant) Care and Growing Guide

The ‘Marble Queen’ pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’) is a popular houseplant with brightly-colored jade green and cream leaves. The variegated foliage of the ‘Marble Queen’ cultivar grows on long, trailing vines. Growing in most indoor conditions, this type of pothos is an excellent hanging basket plant or—with the right pruning—a bushy potted plant. Even if you are a beginner, you’ll find that the marble queen plant is easy to grow indoors.
How to care for the ‘Marble Queen’ pothos: The Epipremnum aureum (Devil’s ivy) variegated plant thrives when grown in bright, indirect light and soil with excellent drainage. The conditions for growth are a temperature range between 65°F and 75°F (18°C – 23°C), high humidity, slightly moist soil, and fertilizing monthly during the growing season.
The ‘Marble Queen’ pothos is a tropical plant cultivar with the scientific name Epipremnum aureum. This plant is native to countries in Southeast Asia and Australia. Although the pothos plants enjoy growing in tropical climates, they grow exceedingly well as a leafy houseplant.
All types of pothos plants have heart-shaped leathery leaves with a glossy sheen. Also called the devil’s ivy, their types of foliage distinguish pothos cultivars. For example, the jade pothos has green leaves, the golden pothos has yellow and green variegated leaves, and the neon pothos has bright, electric green leaves.
The ‘Marble Queen’ pothos shouldn’t be confused with a variegated type of Philodendron. Although both species of plants have leaves in the shape of hearts, they are a different species. However, similar to Philodendron, it’s rare that ‘Marble Queen’ pothos plants flower indoors.
Marble Queen Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) Care Guide
Let’s look in more detail at how to look after a ‘Marble Queen’ devil’s ivy.
How Much Light Does Marble Queen Pothos Need?

To care properly for your Marble Queen Pothos, it needs plenty of indirect light
‘Marble Queen’ pothos plants need plenty of indirect light to keep their foliage bright and vibrant. The critical growing requirement when it comes to light is to protect the devil’s ivy from direct sunlight. The best place for hanging a variegated pothos plant is near an east-facing window.
You can also grow a potted ‘Marble Queen’ plant on a windowsill. But make sure that the plant is protected from direct sunlight by a sheer curtain. Too much light will scorch the leaves, and you could lose most of the green colors from the heart-shaped leaves.
The same light requirements are essential for any type of variegated pothos plant. So, if you have a’ ‘Snow Queen’ or ‘Golden Queen’ Epipremnum aureum cultivar, keep in bright, indirect light. Other species of pothos with dark-colored leaves, can be grown in low-light conditions.
Marble Queen Pothos Soil Requirements
‘Marble Queen’ pothos needs to grow in soil that is a nutrient-rich potting mix with excellent drainage. The ideal growing medium for pothos plant is a blend of equal parts of houseplant soil, peat moss, and perlite. The organic matter holds the right amount of moisture, and perlite improves drainage.
It’s vital to choose the right type of pot to get the pothos soil requirements right. The container shouldn’t be too big and must have drainage holes. Also, plastic and ceramic pots hold more moisture than terracotta ones. So, you’ll have to adjust your watering frequency to prevent soggy soil.
The right type of potting soil should allow water to drain fast. A heavy, clay-type soil will quickly become waterlogged and lead to root rot. However, soil that is too light and sandy will not keep the roots hydrated. When planting your devil’s ivy, aim for a balance of moisture retention and fast draining.
If the plant becomes rootbound, you’ll have to repot the houseplant with fresh soil in a larger pot.
How to Water Marble Queen Pothos

Water your marble queen pothos vine when the top soil has dried out
Water your marble pothos once a week, but only if the top 1” to 2” (2.5 – 5 cm) is dry. Allowing the soil to dry between watering helps prevent root rot in pothos plants. Water pothos plants more often in summer and less frequently in winter.
A most common mistake when watering devil’s ivy plants is to water on a schedule. Various factors determine how often you should water the pothos. Pot size, type of pot, the amount of light, temperature, and humidity affect how quickly moisture evaporates—so, water as often as the soil dries.
What is the best care advice when it comes to watering a ‘Marble Queen’ variegated pothos plant? Here are great tips to remember:
- Leave water out overnight in a jar before watering. This allows the harmful chemicals in tap water to evaporate and gets water up to room temperature.
- Water pothos plants until the excess water drains from the pot’s drainage holes. Deep watering gets enough moisture to hydrate the roots.
- Only water when the soil is partially dry to prevent root rot and overwatering.
Temperature Requirements to Grow Marble Queen Pothos
Average room temperatures are ideal for growing ‘Marble Queen’ plant in pots or hanging baskets. Pothos plants thrive in an even temperature between 65°F and 75°F (18°C – 23°C). The general rule when it comes to growing marble pothos indoors is to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
‘Marble Queen’ pothos plants are generally not fussy when it comes to indoor temperature. The main pothos growing issues indoors arise during summer or winter. In summer, keep pothos plants away from the air-conditioning airflow and, in winter, avoid placing the plant next to a radiator.
‘Marble Queen’ plants grow outdoors in USDA zones 11 and 12. But even during summer, you can grow pothos plants outdoors if you live in temperate climates. Put the plant pot in a bright place, but protected from the sun’s direct rays. Bring devil’s ivy plants indoors when the outside temperature drops below 55°F (13°C).
Growing Marble Queen Pothos Indoors: Humidity Requirements

Marble Queen Photos prefers medium to high humidity levels
‘Marble Queen’ pothos thrives when humidity is between 40% to 60%. Usually, average indoor humidity is excellent for pothos plants as long as you water them often enough. When the air is dry, marble pothos benefits from regular misting or growing on a humidity tray.
Getting humidity levels right during winter can be challenging. Household central heating can dry out the air and make it too dry for tropical houseplants. You may notice that brown leaf tips appear when humidity is low. Here are some ways to ensure proper humidity levels for ‘Marble Queen’ pothos:
- Mist the leaves—About once or twice a week, spray a fine mist around the leaves to hydrate them properly.
- Grow on a pebble tray—Putting the container on a tray that has a layer of small stones and water helps humidify the moisture-hungry plant. Just make sure that the base of the plant pot doesn’t sit in water.
- Wipe down the leaves—As part of your regular pothos houseplant care, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. The moisture helps humidify leaves, and you also remove dust to restore the glossy appearance to the plant’s leathery leaves.
How to Fertilize Marble Queen Pothos
Most cultivars in the species Epipremnum aureum, including ‘Marble Queen,’ don’t require much feeding. You can feed a marble pothos monthly during the growing season with houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength. Some houseplant experts recommend using an organic fertilizer such as worm compost or a liquid seaweed solution.
One way to encourage fuller pothos growth is to apply fertilizer. Regular feeding during the growing months ensures your vining plant gets the nutrients it needs. Diluted fertilizer can also help to offset any lack of minerals that can develop in the plant soil. Just remember to hold off feeding during winter.
Marble Queen Pothos Growth Rate
Under the right conditions, Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’ is a fast grower. Indoors, marble pothos vines can quickly reach about 5 ft. (1.5 m) in length—or high if you grow the plant as a climber. Factors such as adequate light, proper watering, and regular feeding all help encourage fast growth.
If you notice that pothos growth slows down, you should check the following growing conditions:
- Location—Bright, filtered sunlight boost pothos growth.
- Pot size—Fast growth means that marble pothos plant can quickly become rootbound, meaning you’ll have to transfer to a larger pot every year.
- Nutrients—The pothos growth rate slows down if the potting mix doesn’t have the necessary nutrients. Either feed the plant regularly or repot to encourage speedier growth.
Pruning Marble Queen Pothos Houseplant
The marble pothos is a fast-growing indoors tropical houseplant that responds well to pruning. Trimming long stems in early spring helps to promote bushy growth and prevent legginess. However, you can trim off dead, discolored, or damaged leaves at any time of the year. Snipping of new growth also helps create a fuller plant.
To trim devil’s ivy, you should cut the stems to the desired length, just above a node. New growth will appear from the cut node. Trimming ‘Marble Queen’ pothos also has another benefit—you get stems that you can use for propagation.
Marble Queen Pothos Propagation
‘Marble Queen’ plants are straightforward to propagate. Their fast growth and simple growing requirements mean that new pothos plants grow quickly from stem cuttings. All you need is to make a cutting just below a node, making sure that there are two or three leaves on the stem.
The easiest way to propagate a ‘Marble Queen’ plant is by rooting a stem cutting in water. Remove the leaves from the lowest part of the stem and place them in a jar of water. Change the water every so often, and after a few weeks, you should have new roots growing from the node. Then, when the roots are about 1” (2.5 cm) long, plant in a fresh pothos potting mix.
How to Repot Marble Queen Pothos
Repotting a ‘Marble Queen’ pothos is very easy. If you grow your pothos as a hanging basket, you will have to be careful with the long stems when transferring to a larger container. Always choose a pot or hanging basket that is one to two sizes larger than its current one.
The best time to repot your variegated pothos is in spring when growth is vigorous. You will need to half-fill the new container with appropriate potting soil. Before planting in a new pot, detangle the pothos roots and check for signs of disease and trim as necessary.
Repotting is beneficial for pothos plants. You can check the health of the roots, refresh the potting soil, and encourage faster growth if the plant has become rootbound.
Pests and Diseases Affecting Marble Queen Pothos Growth Indoors
Mealybugs are the most common type of houseplant pests that can affect ‘Marble Queen’ growth. You can spot the signs of mealybugs as small, cotton-like growths on your plant’s stems and leaves. You can remove these common indoor plant pests by applying alcohol on a cotton swab.
Please read this article to learn about other effective methods of getting rid of houseplant pests naturally.
The most common diseases affecting ‘Marble Queen’ pothos plants are related to overwatering. Root rot in pothos plants is common when the roots sit in waterlogged soil with poor drainage. Always water pothos plants as often as the top 1-inch (2.5 cm) layer of soil dries out.
Are Marble Pothos Plants Toxic?
Pothos cultivars such as ‘Marble Queen’ and ‘Silver Queen’ plants are poisonous to animals such as dogs and cats. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says that the devil’s ivy (pothos) plant has toxic substances that are potentially harmful to cats and dogs, so you should keep the plants away from household pets. (1)
FAQs About Marble Queen Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) Care
Why are variegated Marble Queen pothos leaves turning green?
A lack of brightness is usually to blame for ‘Marble Queen’ and ‘Snow Queen’ pothos plants turning green. Leaves lose their variegation because they have to compensate for low light. Usually, placing the marble ivy plant in bright, filtered light should help to revive the variegation.
Why are Marble Queen pothos leaves turning yellow?
Overwatering a marble pothos will cause the leaves to turn pale yellow. Too much moisture in houseplant soil leads to root rot the turns leaves yellow before the stems wilt and possibly die. To revive your pothos, repot in fresh, sterile potting soil, and water when the top layer of soil is dry.
Why are my Marble Queen pothos leaves brown?
The most common reasons for brown pothos leaves are a lack of water or too little humidity. Although ‘Marble Queen’ pothos can survive in some dry conditions, they need moist soil and humid air. To resolve the brown leaf problem, thoroughly water the plant and mist the leaves.
Why does my pothos have holes in the leaves?
A lack of humidity or nutrients can be to blame for pothos houseplants developing holes in leaves. You’ll have to trim the affected leaves. To prevent the issue from repeating, feed the plant monthly in spring and summer, and keep humidity levels medium to high. Pests rarely cause holes in plants kept indoors.
How to revive a dying pothos?
Repotting a ‘Marble Queen’ ivy plant is usually the only way to try and save it. A pothos that looks as if it’s dying could be suffering from a lack of nutrients, root rot, or be root bound. Transfer to a larger pot and grow in an organically-rich potting medium.
How do I make my pothos grow fuller?
Proper pruning is the key to encouraging bushy growth on any kind of vining plant, including marble queen pothos. Trim off the trailing stems of your marble queen plant just below the node to promote new, fuller growth from the top of the plant. Also, ensuring adequate light will prevent the stems from becoming leggy and unsightly.
Does ‘Marble Queen’ pothos clean the air?
A 2016 study by NASA found that pothos plants help to purify the air from harmful chemicals. In the experiment, Golden pothos plants helped reduce chemicals such as formaldehyde, acetone, and xylene. Here is a list of other plants that have air-cleaning potential.
Lean about other amazing pothos plants (including how to care for them).
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