Category Archives: Trees

Katsura Tree (Including Weeping Katsura): Leaves, Bark and Care (Pictures) – Identification

Katsura Tree

Katsura tree is a medium-sized ornamental flowering tree with light brown shaggy bark, heart-shaped green leaves, and spectacular golden-yellow or orange fall foliage. A fascinating feature of the katsura tree is its sweet caramel-like smell when the leaves drop in the fall. The multi-trunked deciduous tree grows an oval to a pyramidal crown with arching branches.

Green Ash Tree: Leaves, Bark (Pictures) – Identification and Care Guide

Green Ash Tree Identification

The green ash tree (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) is a medium-sized, fast-growing deciduous tree with large, glossy, dark green leaves and an irregular pyramidal crown. A green ash tree has gray-brown furrowed bark with diamond patterns, small clusters of spring flowers (panicles), and long winged fruit called samaras, similar to the seeds of maples.

Berries That Grow On Trees (Including Blackberry Lookalikes) – With Pictures and Identification Guide

Berries that grow on trees are surprisingly uncommon in the botanical world. The most well-known tree that produces edible berries is the mulberry tree with its blackberry-like fruit. Other types of edible berries that grow on trees are hackberries, silver buffaloberry, serviceberry, Panama berry, and fruit on the strawberry tree.

Willow Oak: Leaves, Bark, Acorns (Pictures): Identification and Growing Guide

willow oak tree (Quercus phellos) identification

The willow oak tree is a type of native red oak that gets its name from the long, willow-like leathery leaves growing on the tree. The impressive medium-sized deciduous willow oak is known for its fast growth, lush foliage, barrel-shaped acorns, and golden yellow or copper-brown fall foliage. Once established in the landscape, willow oak trees are robust, drought-tolerant and hardy.

‘Autumn Blaze’ Maple (Acer x freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’): Leaves, Bark – Identification

‘Autumn Blaze’ Maple

The ‘Autumn Blaze’ maple tree is a beautiful ornamental tree, prized for its spectacular orange and crimson red fall color. The ‘Autumn Blaze’ maple is a deciduous tree with an attractive upward branching habit, rounded canopy, and deeply lobed maple leaves. There is no mistaking the ‘Autumn Blaze’ maple tree in a fall landscape as it retains its scarlet red foliage for several weeks before dropping.

Wisteria Trees (Including Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree) – Pictures and Care

Wisteria Trees (Including Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree)

The wisteria tree is a beautiful flowering plant, famed for its spectacular dangling streaming clusters of blue-purple flowers. Although wisteria is typically grown as a vining plant, you can also grow it as a single-stemmed tree. The stunning tree with its robust trunk, gnarled branches, and spreading canopy makes for a magnificent specimen tree in your garden landscape.

Jacaranda Tree: Flowers, Leaves (With Pictures) – Care and Identification Guide

Jacaranda Tree care

Jacaranda mimosifolia is a beautiful ornamental tropical tree. The jacaranda tree is known for its spectacular clusters of intense purple-blue trumpet-shaped flowers, attractive green fern-like leaves, and a spreading umbrella-like canopy. Also called the blue jacaranda, the stunning flowering tree is native to South and Central America and popular in Florida and California. The fast-growing elegant jacaranda tree with its blue flowers is common in streets, parks, and gardens as it blooms in spring and summer.

American Elm Tree: Leaves, Bark (Pictures) – Identification and Care

American Elm Tree

The American elm tree is a popular deciduous broadleaf landscape tree with an attractive shape and fall colors. American elms are identified by their upright-spreading habit that forms an appealing urn-shaped, broad crown.

Loblolly Pine: Cones, Needles, Bark (With Pictures) – Identification and Care

Loblolly Pine

The loblolly pine tree is a tall evergreen conifer with needle leaves, small yellow or purple flowers, and rusty-brown conical pine cones. Loblolly pine trees are native to the Southeastern United States, where they are one of the most common pine trees. The fast-growing pines are popular for planting as an evergreen screen in garden landscapes. In their native habitat, the attractive loblolly pine tree grows up to 115 ft. (35 m) tall and has a recognizable dense oval crown.

Types of Pine Cones: Large, Small, Giant, and More (with Pictures) – Identification Guide

Pine Cones

Pine cones come in all shapes, sizes and shades of brown. The conical or cylindrical woody cones help identify the species of pine trees. Most pine cones have an overall cone-like or egg shape. Some seed cones from pine trees are long and cylinder-like, whereas other pine cones are more egg-shaped with woody spiny scales. Some of the smallest pine cones are barrel-shaped with large scales. The largest pine cone — the coulter pine cone — is a huge ovoid scaly cone that weighs up to 11 lbs. (5 kg).