Category Archives: Succulents
Hanging Succulents: Vining or Trailing Succulents for Hanging Baskets

Hanging succulents have long trailing vines that look spectacular in hanging baskets. The best succulents for hanging baskets have dangling stems with fleshy leaves, and some may even flower. Trailing succulents generally grow best in partial shade and don’t require much maintenance. You can also grow hanging succulents indoors or outdoors, depending on the climate.
Aeonium Arboreum (Tree Aeonium): Succulent Care Guide (Pictures)

Aeonium arboreum (also called tree Aeonium) is an evergreen succulent plant with thick woody stems, large rosettes, and showy yellow flowers. The species Aeonium arboreum is also called Irish rose, housetree leek, desert pinwheel rose, or tree houseleek. These large subtropical shrubs thrive outdoors in warm, sunny gardens or as indoor houseplants growing in pots.
Aeonium: Types, Succulent Care Guide – With Pictures

Aeonium plants are stunning, colorful succulents with thick, fleshy leaves that grow in a rosette pattern. Also called tree houseleeks, the rose-like waxy foliage grows on woody stems. Aeoniums are known for their fascinating colors, and the succulent leaves can be green, red, black, deep purple, yellow, and variegated colors.
String of Dolphins: How to Care For A Dolphin Succulent

String of Dolphins (Senecio hippogriff) is a hanging succulent plant with trailing stems, unusual dolphin-shaped leaves, and small white puffball flowers. String of dolphins grows easily indoors. Its cascading stems and foliage look like a pod of leaping dolphins, making this a popular and unusual houseplant.
String of Bananas Plant (Senecio Radicans): Succulent Care and Growing Guide
Elephant Bush (Portulacaria Afra): Care and Growing Guide (Including Rainbow Elephant Bush)

The Elephant Bush plant (Portulacaria afra) is a succulent with small oval fleshy leaves and reddish woody stems. Elephant bush is popular as a hanging basket houseplant succulent due to its colorful trailing stems and jade-colored leaves. There is also a variegated variety—Rainbow elephant bush (Portulacaria afra ‘Variegata’). The rainbow elephant bush succulent has light green and cream-colored round leaves.
Sansevieria ’Starfish’: Caring for Sansevieria Cylindrica (Cylindrical Snake Plant)
Succulent Soil – The Best Potting Soil Mix for Succulent Plants

Succulent soil is a combination of potting soil mix, coarse sand, and perlite. Succulent plants growing indoors or outdoors need a potting mix that is different from regular plants. The best type of soil mix for succulents must have excellent drainage without retaining too much moisture. Although you can buy commercial succulent soil, it’s easier and cheaper to make your own.
Haworthia Plant: Caring for The Cactus Like Succulent

Haworthia plants are small flowering succulents that look like miniature cacti. Common types of Haworthias, such as the zebra Haworthia or Haworthia attenuata plants, are some of the easiest houseplants to care for. Haworthias are small cactus-like succulents that have clusters of pointed fleshy green leaves that grow in a rosette shape. Similar to other succulents, these low-growing plants need plenty of light and little moisture.
Calandiva Plant – How to Care for Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana ‘Calandiva’

The calandiva plant is a cultivar of the flowering succulent species Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Calandivas are evergreen perennial plants that produce flowers year after year. The kalanchoe calandiva is a succulent plant with leathery, dark-green leaves, and a mass of showy double flowers that look like roses. Due to the fact it’s easy to care for, the calandiva plant is a popular flowering houseplant.