Category Archives: Houseplants

Plants that Bring Good Luck, Prosperity and Fortune (Lucky Plants) Says Feng Shui

good luck plant

According to Feng Shui, there are certain types of plants that are classed as good luck plants. Feng Shui plants are said to bring prosperity, fortune, love, and luck. That is why some types of “lucky plants” are called money trees or money plants. There are other plants Feng Shui considers to bring luck such as lucky bamboo, rubber plants, orchids, and some types of indoor ferns and palms.

Types of Snake Plants (Sansevieria Varieties) With Care and Growing Tips

sansevieria varieties

All varieties of the snake plant (genus sansevieria) are succulents that grow well indoors as houseplants. Also known as viper’s bowstring hemp, or mother in law’s tongue, sansevieria varieties are excellent houseplants that suit your home decor.