Category Archives: Gardening And Landscaping

Pineberry: The White Strawberry that Tastes Like Pineapple (Including Growing Instructions)

Pineberry: The White Strawberry that Tastes like Pineapple

Pineberries are an unusual-looking fruit that looks like a white strawberry with red seeds. Many people say that this white small juicy fruit tastes similar to that of a pineapple. Pineberry gets its name from the combination of the words pineapple and strawberry and is sometimes called a pineapple strawberry. The plant is actually a cross between 2 varieties of strawberry.

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort): Care, Types, Images and More

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort ): Care, Types, and Growing Tips

The wandering Jew plant is a common name for different species of plants that belong to the Tradescantia genus. There are around 75 different types of plants in Tradescantia genus and some are called inch plants, spiderwort, striped wandering Jew, Boat Lily, Purple Queen, or flowering inch plant. Wandering Jew plants are great house plants because they are relatively easy to care for. They are also easy to grow because the wandering Jew plant propagates easily from cuttings.

How to Easily Grow Cucamelon (Mouse Melon, Mexican Sour Gherkin, Melothria Scabra)

Cucamelon: How to Grow, Nutrition, and Benefits

Cucamelon (also named mouse melon, Mexican sour cucumber, Mexican sour gherkin, Melothria scabra) is a small fruit that is about the size of a large grape and look similar to a watermelon. When cucamelon fruits are ripe, you can eat them whole with the skin and enjoy their slightly sour taste. People say cucamelons taste like a sour cucumber with a dash of lime.

14 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes (With Pictures) – Identification Guide

The Best 14 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes

In some countries, mosquitoes are just annoying insects that bother people trying to enjoy a barbecue in the evening, but in other countries, they pose a serious health threat to the lives of millions. Obviously, the best way to protect yourself is to avoid getting bitten in the first place and you can do this is by using a natural mosquito repellent or by growing plants that repel mosquitoes.

How to Grow Garlic: The Ultimate Step By Step Guide

How to Grow Garlic Step by Step Guide

Growing your own garlic at home is healthier and cheaper than buying garlic from the supermarket. Garlic is very easy to grow yourself and it thrives outdoors or indoors with plenty of sun and a little care and attention. Planting and growing garlic can give you an endless supply of this health-boosting plant to use in cooking and home remedies.